

60 MIN Video Reading $200aud

I do not work as a traditional fortune teller. I will work with you to bring through guidance and wisdom to assist you in creating and walking Your Heart’s Path in partnership with your souls mission.

This will result in you feeling empowered, supported, clear and inspired to step forward as your true self, gaining all the right tools for increased clarity & continued support.

If there are no available sessions in your current timezone please contact me on instagram @yourheartspath or by email faye@yourheartspath & I will schedule your session manually.


‘The Whole Being’

90 min video Reading $250AUD

Step into your whole being.

A longer reading to dive into all aspects of life and all bodies. This is recommended if it is your first reading with me. I will work with you to bring through guidance and wisdom to assist you in creating and walking Your Heart’s Path in partnership with your souls mission.

This will result in you feeling empowered, supported, clear and inspired to step forward as your true self, gaining all the right tools for increased clarity & continued support.


Intuitive LIVING

One on one sessions to activate, enhance, understand and access your spiritual gifts as a sentient being, medium clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, telepathy, energy healing and much more.

By application only.


one question mini reading $33AUD

Ask a question or request an area of your life you would like energetic guidance around. I will personally tune into your question and deliver your reading via voice recorded messages on your chosen platform. Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook messenger. This is in an invitation to feel into my service as an energetic reader, get specific questions answered & receive quality tangible guidance around a specific area of your life. Sometimes we only need a small piece to empower us in the right direction. You will receive your message within 24 hours of receiving payment / details of your desired platform.

Send your name, chosen platform, username/phone number, and question via the PayPal link below.


The ART of Manifestation - Includes an A4 mixed medium painting/ drawing

We start with a 30 minute consultation to get super specific on your loving intention.

Each piece will be aligned with your higher self, infused with alchemical intention, and energy medicine to activate and attract your specific desired outcome.

The finished artwork will be posted to your door ready to be framed within 1 month of your consultation.


Channelled Meditation $330AUD

A 15 minute intuitive video consultation and a 30 minute recorded meditation specific to your needs. You will receive your meditation within 5 working days post consultation.

The meditation will be based on intuitive insight directly from your soul. Each meditation will be unique, designed to be listened to repeatedly for a period of time to anchor and create your desired outcome.


gift voucher


A gift voucher for a one hour video reading emailed to you for printing upon purchase.